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{Mama Diaries: What Do I Really Know?}



And this, my friends is why this mirror is never clean.... lol ^^^^^ Also, pretty excited bout my Warby Parker glasses! (Pic #3 is my top choice!)

Have you guys read Wonder Weeks. It is a new parents guide to be being prepared, so if you haven't I suggest you download, asap. For me knowledge is power, corny yes but true. Because, what do I really know?

Something about knowing what to expect or that what I am going through is not obsurdly just me makes things a little easier.

For example the developmental leap at around 52 weeks (adjusted age for preemie's) ihas been one of the hardest so far. Maybe it's the fact that she is also teething and we are stuck indoors because of the cold...

Either way, it has been HARD. But knowing that what is going on is that she is just "figuring things out" makes my mama heart feel a little better. I tend to just rush to the conclusion that I am not doing this right or I'm such a bad mom but really they just go through these phases and watching her learn, copy and have a personality balances those moments of despair, whining and crying... Lot's of whining and crying around here parts.

Here are a few other books I've read and recommend from pregnancy to now.

Pre- baby

0-6 months

6-12 months

Up Next

Best advice I ever got was to not stress about the reading. And it's true all of this is so overwhelming, we are in charge of another life people!!! But it doesn't have to feel like homework, while I was preggo I read in the bath tub, waiting at appointments or right before bed. And then when Z came, I spent time in the NICU so I read there, while I pumped or nursed (having them on my iPad or iPhone helped!) and then with my nap skipper I would read while she finished a nap in the car and still now I always read a little right before bed.

I also switch around from book to book, Wonder Weeks is one I read weekly to help with each stage, and the book on discipline is usually pulled out every night.

Also, they don't all have to be serious!!!! Pick out some fun ones that will make you laugh (for me it was the Jenny McCarthy books!).

Hoping one day I have a little more me time to read some non-baby books but for now these help me feel assured that I have the knowledge to give this munchkin everything she needs. It may sound crazy to some, but I just know that she deserves it all and I want to have the tools to do it and for me that is books/classes/mommy groups.

Now spill the beans, what are your favorite baby reads?

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