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{Mama Diaries: Thoughts on the Future}

Can I tell you a secret? Well I can't stop buying peasant blouses (or dresses for that matter)!! Even though someone sweetly patted my belly at the hair salon on Saturday and said, are we expecting again... Ummm no, not yet... I think I felt worse for her because she instantly turned bright red and walked away mumbling an apology.... I thought there was an unsaid rule about asking women if they were pregnant? lol!

Well anyway, even though I may look a tad preggo in them, you will be seeing a few others in the next couple weeks, they are just absolute perfect for a mama that is chasing a babe all day. I wore them all last summer while I nursed (easy access) and won't stop now! Easily paired with any bottom,, thinking next up are my highwaisted super wide leg jeans!

I just bought the one I am wearing at Target but I can't find it online!!! (love this short sleeved one and this peach one is on my wish list!) (Jeans are Joe's Jeans and I LOVE them).

We've been getting the, when is the next babe coming, question a lot lately. And it's so overly present in my mind because we have always said that we'd want our babies to be close in age. But pregnancy was hard on my body, or as my doctor said, staying pregnant was hard for my body. So as we plan our next chapter of our lives (house, wedding, and babies all included) a part of me is really scared. All pregnancies are different but the "what ifs" weigh heavy on my mind.

The other part is the fear of being able to balance two sweet babies and giving them both all (and more) of what they need. My mom says we adapt, our hearts grow and you use that "village" that you formed the first time to make it work but I if I am already fearful of being good enough, what happens when there are two? Will I love them the same? Will Zoe feel neglected? How will that change me and O's non-existent alone time? So many darn questions. So much to think about. What I do know is that being a mama is everything to me.

The unconditional love, the selflessness, the fullfillment that bringing a baby into this world allowed me to feel, means EVERYTHING to me. I am taking it all in and for now this little sunshine of mine (her dadda and our Aiden) is where my heart is. And I think I am ok with just one, for now.

For those of you with more than one babe, how did you make the decision? Please do share!

Happy Monday my lovelies and please send some positive efficient packing vibes over to me!



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