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{Life Lately: Christmas Moments & Toddler Gifts}

Hey there loves! Happy Monday and begining of the year for us over, since we are finally feeling sooo much better. We even made it on a Whole Foods run and a little frigid outdoor playtime too! Feels dang good to not be achey!

Now onto the scheduled post, because I'm about that life now... lol

There is honestly something so magical about the hoildays with littles. As exhausting as they can be with skipped naps, busy schedules and a lot of interrupted routines, they have been my absolute favorite part of being a mama. The excitement, joy and magic in (sort of) beliveing in Santa, was something we all got to relive this holiday season. I wish we would have gotten a few family pics in front of our tree but these moments right here beat anything.

I also got a few questions on some gift ideas for tots and after a few weeks of playing with BDAY and Christmas gifts I now know what our favorites are, so I thought I'd share here.

^^^^ This Sesame Street ride on toy from my sis has been a big hit. (PS her face here is priceless. She was so excited that she ran past the toys and into her playroom!!)

Basketball set, something we bought knowing winter would be long indoors! We'll eventually bring it outside. Watching her "dribble" is quite possibly my favorite thing ever. Must snapchat this the next time it happens...

The Rody. Best toy ever. She calls it her horse and rides, bounces and singgggs. I must get a video of her getting off of it because it's hysterical.

I. Mean. This. Face.

One of my besties sent her this PB stroller and girlfriend is obsessed. (It's no longer available but this jogger is out of control cute! They are a bit pricey but wait for a sale and sign up for emails for an extra discount code, they are sturdy and worth the money when your babe plays with it every day! Not convinced, much cheaper option that we also had, here. Only problem was Z got a kick out of sitting in it and the seat eventually tore.

Instruments are a HIT in this house, have been since she was tiny. I give all the credit to starting Kindermusik when she was a few months old, she loves them all. And my MIL AKA Santa, got this piano for her and we love watching her sit at it, and playyyy musiikkk. I love this pink one!

We have a drum, guitar, xylophone.

^^^ She loved helping everyone open preeessenntts!!

^^^ This bowling set is a lot of fun, although she has to hug and kiss each monkey after knocking them over!! I love that they are ecofriendly but on the heavy-ish side, these are a good alternative.

^^^ This car, we bought to keep us entertained this winter in doors and can I admit to it being the best bribing toold for when she is being finisky about eating?? the car will only go fast if she eats her food....

^^ This play kitchen (love this Hape one) is in our kitchen and she plays with it every single day. I especially love watching her "cook" while I cook or when sje cooks for her duckies!!

^^^This puzzle rack + some of Z's favorite puzzles is perfect for the babe and for all of you OCD mamas. She got this fishing from us for Christmas and she loves "fissshhhin".

^^^ We think it's so important for Zoe to speak spanish and it can be tough with one parent not being bi-lingual so I'll take all the tools I get and these blocks and these flash cards have been a great way to practice our words.

I am thinking this may be a 2 post kind of share and tell! There are a few more but these are definitely the top ones. We are rotating some to the basement to keep them fresh and keep a toddler entertained all winter long, more on that later! Hope you all have are having a great Monday!




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