It's been a bit since I've posted, mainly because getting ready for vacation with babies is like legit insane. But also because sometimes my anxiety gets the beat of me. And that is the honest truth.
Sometimes my head is whipping around trying to catch up with my thoughts. And then there is the fact that I am not able to hudr under the covers and sulk for a bit. My girls need me, my husband needs me, home and rest of my family also need me. It's taken a long time but I know that something has got to give. I have to cry uncle and wave that white flag. It allows me to be more present for them.
But don't you worry, mama will be back. In full force. I have some tips for traveling with two, spring break must haves and maybe even a little coco bread recipe coming up (because OMG it is amazing). I am also hoping to get some outfit photos photographed too!!
And when we get back, be prepared for some room tours and tips on decorating a kid friendly home :) i am excited about Spring and kicking these winter blues.