I want to create an entire tab on my website with books we are reading, loving and want to read (not just kiddo ones but parenting and self help or fun reads for grownups.) Reading to the girls and again now for myself brings me soooo much joy, so I have to share it.
And to be honest the way to raise a reader is to let them see you read, read out loud to them and have interesting (to them) books that get them excited. I have always felt that the best tool for parenting have been books, we use them to explain change (like moving or traveling), a holiday or event, we use them to explain emotions and what is expected, for bedtime and naptime etc. So why not just make sure that the people, the skin colors and the cultures are all different in the books? We made that conscious decision a long time ago, and I want to make sure you can too. Here
are some of our favorites.
Zoe has been zipping through chapter books the last few months and I decided that she needed to diversify her collection, so I ordered
(I printed out these little book report templates, we like the one with the circles and she fills them out for each book that she wants me to replace with a new one. She loves rereading them a few times before writing one.)
Hair Love and
Island Born (on Dominican history),
Just Ask (on all kids being different!),
The Princess In The Pea (one of my favorites)
For more baby books:
Please Baby Please
Loved this one about nighttime hair, may get it for Ami in hopes that she will let me use a cap on her curls!
I pre-ordered this one on Martin Luther King Jr coming out this summer and can't wait because I love "The Story Of" series,
and also pre-ordered Black Heroes.
Let's Talk About Race is out of stock but I ordered it for when it becomes available.
Going to buy we are Different We are the Same (Sesame Street!),
For MLK books we have this one, this one, this one, this one and this one. So many great ones!! We also have this one on Coretta Scott King
So so so many more books I can share but for now I will stop here. I am going to share some of my favorite parenting books next.
I really hope that you are enjoying your summer, that you are finding joy in small moments and that although nothing will look the same that you are planning out some opportunities to make memories.