Happy Monday!! Kicking this week off with another post you guys have asked for. ORGANIZATION. Which is one of the biggest struggles post kids is organization. When we moved from a 3300 sq ft house to an apartment in the city, we had to get SUPER efficient with it. The photos above are from our old house's playroom, and it gets me so excited to decorate a new one. I will say that no matter how big or small your space is organizing toys is a must for sanity. Here are some different ways to organize and some inspiration pins that will get you organizing your space.
The perfect way to contain toys to one area, and hide them a little. You can have them in shelves or simply around the house to store toys and for easy pick up.
I actually keep a basket in almost every room for quick clean ups and I usually put everything away when I clean on the weekends.
Shelving. There are a few ways that you can organize toys in a small space and it always includes shelving. You can have open shelving and organize toys in display in a more Montessori style or you can use bins and containers to conceal them.
Open low shelf // Book & Toy Shelf (we had this one in the girls room!) // Doll house toy shelf // Cube Shelving
And then you have actual organization. I love the look of acrylic containers for all small toys, but there are many ways to organize and have a place for all toys, puzzles or blocks makes for much easier cleanup and play! I like drawer dividers, small containers, plastic shoe boxes and other containers.
Shoe Container //Connecting Storage Containers //12 QT Container // Back of the door shoe organizer // Wall Shelving Unit //
I hope this helps!! Please share with someone who this may help.