I grant you permission to parent differently than those before you.
Yup I said it. I am granting you the permission, the free ticket, the space and guiltless opportunity to parent differently than those before you. Differently than your parents, than your grandparents. Differently than your aunt who helped raise you your whole life and most of all, differently than that judgey viejita at the food store telling you that a nice ol' spanking will get them right out of the meltdown stage. I am telling you that you HAVE THE RIGHT to do it differently, you can create a bond that honors respect, validation of feelings and raise incredible strong willed, confident, kind human beings.
I am saying this because as a first generation Latina mother I have found myself not feeling like I deserve the right to parent differently than those before me. And that I need to justify or prove something to those woman. Or actually, that I need their approval. But as I repair myself, and learn more about positive parenting, I realize that this is my journey, this is my right as a mother, and that these small humans chose me because I am everything they need. I may be far from perfect, and many may not agree with how I do things and get this, the gem that I have been working to uncover, THAT IS OK. I don't need to parent for an audience. Wow. That has been weighing heavy on my heart and it feels so good to say it.
So these words, this post, is my reminder to you, that you mama, have the right to do this in a way that is right for you and yours. Don't let the need for others approval change how you do things. Because our babies deserve better than that, they deserve us and this journey that we get to take together is pretty incredible. Let's be the person we want to be.
Resources I have found helpful (I will be creating a post with all of my resources soon!)